
how do nodes of ranvier work?

Force production

Almost always, more force is proced by more cross-bridges

Type I: slow twitch

less crossbridging

Type II: fast twitch

more crossbridging

In general, IIx > IIa > I

Strength can be substituted for work??

Force Velociy Curve

Length Tension Curve

Pennation Angle

What is serial vs parallel muscle fibers?

How does pennation angle adapt to exercise?

Why is there a difference between maximal force production fatigue vs. submaximal fatigue?

Fatigue Components

  • central factors (spine and brain)
  • sleep deprivation
  • ATP production
  • etc…

Specificity of training

Overload Principle

  • Applying periiodic stress to the muscles (1-2x/week)
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