Week 4 Notes

Week 4 Notes

Three Energy Systems

metabolism is approx. 20-30% efficient (70-80% lost as heat)

resting ATP stores last approx. 1-2 sec

Glycolitic encompasses both anaerobic & aerobic glycolysis

aerobic can use carbohydrate or fat


anaerobic glycolysis (sometimes called “fast glycolysis”)

creatine kinase catalyzes phosphorylation

glycolysis occurs in the sarcoplasm and produces pyruvate

in anaerobic, pyruvate is converted to lactate in the sarcoplasm

make notes on krebs cycle

ultrasound can scan for muscle glycogen

what is the difference between lactate and lactic acid?

How much of DOMS is physical damage vs. chemical imbalance?

Oxidative System: pyruvate is shuttled to the mitochondria and oxidezed in the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain

SystemMax PowerCapacityTime to Max Activation
Phosphocreatine1 ATP

How many days does it take to “carbo-load”?